WILL Enter Testator Details (Enter the Details of the person who is making WILL) Name (required) Relation (required) Son ofWife ofDaughter of Related Person's Name (required) Age (required) Religion (required) Enter Immovable Property Details (Fill the Details of Immovable Property like Flat,Plot,Farm,etc. with full address) Enter Movable Property Details (Fill the Details of Movable Property Details like Bank Balance,Deposits,Jewellery) Enter Executor Details: (Executor is the person who will take care of the property after the death of Testator. Executors can be any family member,friend or an organistation like NGO’s or Trust) FIRST EXECUTOR DETAILS: Name (required) Choose the Relation between Testator and Executor (required) SonWifeDaughterOther Address(required) SECOND EXECUTOR DETAILS: Name (required) Choose the Relation between Testator and Executor (required) SonWifeDaughterOther Address(required) THIRD EXECUTOR DETAILS: Name (required) Choose the Relation between Testator and Executor (required) SonWifeDaughterOther Address(required) FOURTH EXECUTOR DETAILS: Name (required) Choose the Relation between Testator and Executor (required) SonWifeDaughterOther Select if you want to add any Organisation as Executor Address(required) Other Information I hereby Declare that the information provided by me has been cross-checked and correct in all aspects. Rs. 999